Responsible Investing

Responsible Investing

Therium engages in responsible investing by supporting cases that are meritorious and help to enforce the rule of law.


In addition, Therium funds cases that focus on enforcing laws that govern environmental regulation, social issues and corporate governance – upholding the rule of law and high ESG standards.

Therium Access

Launched in 2019 to mark Therium’s 10th anniversary, Therium Access has invested almost £2m in access to justice by providing grants for cases, organisations and projects that could not otherwise be funded on a commercial basis.  Therium Access is the first-of-its-kind initiative in the legal finance industry globally.

Find out more about Therium Access, the primary expression of Therium’s corporate and social responsibility programme.

Meet The TeamThe Team

Our highly experienced investment team are committed to the Principles for Responsible Investment and the UN Global Compact, providing capital and support to cases that help to uphold ESG standards across the world.