Banking Financial Services Retail Anti-trust / Competition Class Action Collective Redress Group Litigation

Interchange Litigation

The Case

The Interchange litigation involves claims by merchants – typically retailers, hotel groups and others – against Mastercard and Visa for damages arising out of interchange fees charged by the card schemes contrary to UK and European competition law.

stack of multicolored credit cards on black background

Why It’s Significant

The UK claims involve hundreds of businesses, including leading retail groups, with claims amounting to billions of pounds. The litigation is a notable example of group litigation being run in the Competition Appeal Tribunal where claims are being managed together but without a Collective Proceedings Order.

Therium’s Solution

Therium is backing a wide cross-section of claimants including well-resourced corporate clients who benefit by using litigation finance in place of their own resources in order to pursue the claim.


Group Litigation / Class Action / Collective redress / Anti-Trust / Competition


Financial Services / Retail

Case Studies